
bachelor thesis site
bachelor thesis site – the project site for my bachelor thesis.
A little of css3, images from a trip to the mountains, and colour explotion a combination of hand-drawn, photo, trace and illustrator.
bachelor thesis site

smithsonians human origins program database
smithsonians human origins program database. our final bachelor project, for the national museum of natural history. can temporarily be seen here
smithsonians human origins program database

ellemellen produksjon – a page for graphic print services.
design by marius halvorsen.
three manually coded pages.

game programming with flash
a school project in flash programming.
an adventure game in a mysterious world.
game programming with flash

some fellow students' project on carbon.
The design is simple css, the swirly coloured arrows made in illustrator

dans i skolen
dans i skolen – a project through school, for an organisation.
a heavily edited wordpress theme.
dans i skolen

north american mammals, part 1
north american mammals, part 1 – mashups school project, based on a database from The Smithsonian and Wikipedia.
The design is an experiment in pure HTML and css3.
north american mammals, part 1

north american mammals, part 2
north american mammals, part 2 – testing CMS-systems, information architecture and interaction design on the background of data from The Smithsonians database over North American mammals. testing joomla. The design is not the interesting thing here, but rather the information architecture and interaction.
north american mammals, part 2

uninett conference
uninett conference – conference pages.
A simple page for the conference, suited for mobiles and small screens.