columbine at the cabin
borage at the cabin
crocus at the cabin
african daisy at the cabin
Dimorphotheca aurantiaca
honeysuckle at the cabin
L on top of a mountain
rondane - autumn
moooh - crossing mountains
gjendesheim, jotunheimen
L near rondvassbu - photographing sheep
cool concrete
røros town
røros town - on the world heritage list
røros townhouse
campfire - a cold, cold night
T and me getting lost: testing GPS
breakfast fire - one cold, cold morning
mr. A focusing deeply
A securing G. Feeling safe?
fingers hurt...
mr G traversing
T happy on the first climb of the season
skeikampen - work and skiing for the weekend
cross spider – araneus diadematus
snowbells - first sign of spring
the raving mad woodpecker – dendrocopos major
yarrow in the "garden"