columbine at the cabin
borage at the cabin
african daisy at the cabin
Dimorphotheca aurantiaca
honeysuckle at the cabin
L on top of a mountain
rondane - autumn
moooh - crossing mountains
gjendesheim, jotunheimen
L near rondvassbu - photographing sheep
cool concrete
røros town
røros town - on the world heritage list
røros townhouse
mr. A focusing deeply
A securing G. Feeling safe?
fingers hurt...
mr G traversing
T happy on the first climb of the season
cross spider – araneus diadematus
the raving mad woodpecker – dendrocopos major
yarrow in the "garden"
oregano in the herbgarden
male silver-washed fritillary – Argynnis paphia – on echinacia. I love both. Echinaciae is brilliant for butterflies, and are amazing all autumn.
the cabin - indoors/outdoors
nicotiana leaf. it grew to monsterous propotions, giving a tropical feel with the massive leaves and delishious scent.
baby toad.
baby toad
prayer flags at the cabin
allium - planted from long-forgotten onion bought at the supermarked
cucumber spider at the cabin – araniella cucurbitina
kitty grooming
weaving the web
an old milk pail
female scarce copper - lycaena virgaureae
eucalyptus growing at the cabin
eucalyptus. after a trip to australia, I got the grand idea to grow gum trees.
teenage frog
bumble bee & corn flower
kitty in summer
rondane national park, near smuksjøseter
old, old cabin. savalen
cross spider – Araneus diadematus weaving
peace of mind
summer nights, savalen 2007