2081 Hits for summer
Albums (2) & Images (2079)

navigators at sognefjellet("navigator, navigator, rise up and be strong, the morning is here and there's work to be done")
photo by Rebecca

the IT crowd
the ITcrowd going up, up, up to Holtjernspiggenphoto by Lars using Ks camera :)
the IT crowd

silver-washed fritillary
male silver-washed fritillary – Argynnis paphia – on echinacia. I love both. Echinaciae is brilliant for butterflies, and are amazing all autumn.
silver-washed fritillary

nicotiana leaf. it grew to monsterous propotions, giving a tropical feel with the massive leaves and delishious scent.

scarce copper - lycaena virgaureae
female scarce copper - lycaena virgaureae