216 Hits for Smithsonian
Albums (8) & Images (208)

bachelor thesis site
bachelor thesis site – the project site for my bachelor thesis.
A little of css3, images from a trip to the mountains, and colour explotion a combination of hand-drawn, photo, trace and illustrator.
bachelor thesis site

smithsonians human origins program database
smithsonians human origins program database. our final bachelor project, for the national museum of natural history. can temporarily be seen here
smithsonians human origins program database

berlin, 2ww
of all the pompous words and drama in the america-at-war exhibition, this was the one picture I found strangely evocative. she seems deeply unhappy; I am guessing she does not realise what fell out of the, 2ww

national museum of the american indian
national museum of the american indian. shaped by wind and water, is the idea.national museum of the american indian

national museum of american history
this is for Cece.national museum of american history
national museum of american history

corridor at the anthro department, national museum of natural history. self and by lars.